Emery is a self-taught detective who lives in the Kayak apartments. He is our protagonist.

Emery is a very peppy man who cries frequently. He makes it a point to treat people with kindness more often than not, he is very empathetic towards others. He is a nervous nellie and shakes and sweats even when nothing is wrong. Emery is often scared of social interactions, but likes to talk a whole lot. He is a flesh-and-blood human, but possesses some odd capabilities you wouldn’t normally see in one. Emery has a long growth on the top of his head that tells him what to do, he’s not sure where it came from.

ABILITIES: High intuition, seamless brain world travel, heightened 4 senses (excluding sight), knowledge on paranormal anomalies, the power of love ☺, intermediate knowledge of radio broadcasting and phone phreaking, immunity to subliminals

FAVORITES: Burgers, friendship, knee-length socks, formal attire, Dr. Who, baby animals, the bible, walnuts and most other nuts, detective novels, his special teddy bear

WEAKNESSES: Afraid of crowded spaces, socially stunted, Prone to crying and throwing up easily, always looks acts and sounds like a woman without meaning to, afraid of birds, physically weak, prone to dizziness and nausea, very high empathy that is easy to take advantage of

HOW DID HE GET HERE?: By boat, from France


BEST MEMORY: Watching fish swim by