What is NEN?
NEN (New England Nightmare) is a multimedia webseries about a detective living on a strange island. It's created by MaritimeMouse.
It can be written as NEN or nen, but NEVER Nen!
The comic follows the saga of a 24-year-old detective named Emery Phone. He lives in an alternate version of Earth where everything's the same, except that part of Massachusetts broke off and is plagued by paranormal creatures, highly unsafe levels of radiation, a corrupt government, and every other horror you can think of. Emery is on a mission of utmost importance; reawakening the 6 powerful angels needed to bring total equilibrium and peace to Earth. If he fails to do this before time runs out… it will not end well. He learns the power of one’s brain along the way. He finds his biggest obstacle—as well as his strongest advantage—to be his own mind.
Send related questions, feedback, or anything at all to nenmail101@gmail.com